Soft Matter lab
Our research is focused on surface tension dominant problems such as Marangoni effects, wetting and dewetting and interfacial instabilities during the evaporation of sessile droplet placed on the substrate. Flow visualization experiment technique called Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Particle tracking method will be utilized to understand these problems. This experimental idea is expected to enable us to visualize the hidden features that have not been explored before.

Particle migration and self-assembly on a substrate are interesting phenomena that have critical implications in many applications such as inkjet printing, coating, and many other droplet-based industrial processes. Most of the studies believe that the phenomenon is dependent on the fluid flow patterns inside the microdroplet placed on the microdroplet. The significance of capillary meniscus forces (CMF) between two particles near the air−liquid interface. We will investigate the underlying mechanism of CMF in the self-assembly of particles inside the evaporating droplet. Our findings would provide a new direction in understanding the particle deposition pattern of a colloidal droplet and the development of flexible photonic crystals for anti-counterfeit applications.