Soft Matter lab
A. Tiwari, A. Singh and Ashish Kumar Thokchom*. Investigation on the instability of Marangoni convection inside the evaporating droplet using the Hele–Shaw method. (Manuscript under preparation)
Appurva Tiwari, Seong Jae Lee, Ashish Kumar Thokchom*. Surfactant-based interface capture towards the development of 2D-printed photonic structures. Materials Horizons 2025 (Just Accepted)
A. Tiwari, S. J. Lee, D.K. Garg, S. Shin and Ashish Kumar Thokchom*. Characterizing the microparticles deposition structure and its photonic nature in surfactant-laden evaporating colloidal sessile droplets. Langmuir 2024 (Just accepted)
A. Tiwari, S. Shin, Song, S. J. Lee and Ashish Kumar Thokchom*. Understanding the formation of particle bands and fingering patterns during evaporation of a sessile droplet containing colloids. Colloid and Interface Science Communications, 2023, 56, 100740.
Ashish Kumar Thokchom*, B. M. Joyti, S. K. Majumder and A. Singh. Fluid flow and particle dynamic inside the evaporating droplet placed. Microgravity Science and Technology, 2021, 33, 1-9.
Ashish Kumar Thokchom and S. Shin. Dynamical Clustering and band formation of particles in a Marangoni vortexing droplet. Langmuir 2019, 35, 27, 8977-8983.
B. J. Medhi,Ashish Kumar Thokchom, Anugrah Singh and Sadhan Mahapatra. Experimental and computational study on flow over stepped spillway. JMST 2019, 33, 2101-2112.
Q. Zhou, R. Nie, J. G. Park, D. Ha, Ashish Kumar Thokchom, J. Pan, S. I. Seok, and T. Kim. Nanochannel-Assisted Perovskite Nanowires: From Growth Mechanisms to Photodetector Applications. ACS Nano, 2018, 12, 8, 8406-8414.
Q. Zhou, Jun Gyu Park, K.N. Kim, Ashish Kumar Thokchom, J. Bae, J.M. Baik, Taesung Kim. Transparent-Flexible-Multimodal Triboelectric Nanogenerators for Mechanical Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sensor Applications. Nano Energy 2018, 48, 471-480.
H.K. Chang, G. T. Chang, Ashish Kumar Thokchom, T. Kim and J. Park. Ultra-fast responsive colloidal–polymer composite-based volatile organic compounds (VOC) sensor using nanoscale easy tear process. Scientific Reports 2018, 8, 5291.
Ashish Kumar Thokchom, Q. Zhou, D.J. Kim, D. Ha, and T. Kim. Characterizing self-assembly and deposition behavior of nanoparticles in inkjet-printed evaporating droplets. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 2017, 252, 1063–1070.
D.J. Kim, D. Ha, Q. Zhou, Ashish Kumar Thokchom, J. Lim, J. Lee, and T. Kim. Cracking assisted Micro-/Nanofluidic Fabrication Platform for Silver Nanobelt Arrays and Nanosensors. Nanoscale 2017, 9, 9622-9630.
Q. Zhou, Ashish Kumar Thokchom, D.J. Kim, and T. Kim. Inkjet-printed Ag Micro- /Nanostructures on Cu foil for In-situ Preconcentration and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering. Sensors and Actuators: B-Chemicals 2017, 243, 176–183.
Ashish Kumar Thokchom, S.K. Majumder and A. Singh. Internal fluid motion and particle transport in externally heated sessile droplets. AIChE, 2016, 62, 1308-1321.
Ashish Kumar Thokchom, R. Swaminathan, and A. Singh. Fluid flow and particle dynamics inside an evaporating droplet containing live bacteria displaying chemotaxis. Langmuir 2014, 30, 12144–12153.
Ashish Kumar Thokchom, A. Gupta, P.J. Jaijus and A. Singh. Analysis of fluid flow and particle transport in evaporating droplets exposed to infrared heating. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2014, 68, 67-77.

Langmuir 2024

Sensor and Actuator Chemical B 2017
IJHMT 2014